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Month: October 2011

Speak Out Against Canada’s Anti-Piracy Law!

Following pressure from the US Government, Canada is preparing to ram through a revamped copyright bill that will have disastrous consequences for consumers. The Conservative majority government has reintroduced the Canadian Copyright Modernization Act Bill C-11. This Bill is a carbon copy of Bill C-32 and the government is set to expedite this legislation into law over the next few weeks.

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Microsoft Research’s HoloDesk on Video

HoloDesk is a novel interactive system combining an optical see through display and Kinect camera to create the illusionthat users are directly interacting with 3D graphics. A virtual image of a 3D scene is rendered through a half silvered mir-ror and spatially aligned with the real-world for the viewer. Users easily reach into an interaction volume displaying thevirtual image. This allows the user to literally get their hands into the virtual display.

How to Run Up a $200,000 Cell Phone Bill

Someone needs to explain to me, in plain English, how anything you can do on a phone would result in you having a $200,000 bill. Think about it, that is more than $4.50 a minute, 24 hours a day for 30 days straight.

This is the $201,000 bill, running 43 pages. When Shamir saw it, he couldn’t believe he had run it up. Celina Aarons: “He spent two weeks in Canada. Shamir had been on vacation in Canada where he didn’t turn his data roaming off. Texting over 2,000 times and using the phone to download videos. Bringing this charge for $1,800. This one for $1,300 this one for $2,500. On and on and on.

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