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Month: February 2012

Icelanders Avoid Inbreeding Through Online Database

Not only can the site rule out courtships that might be a bit too close for comfort, but also it helps users determine if they share family ties with any famous Icelanders. One man learned he was related to the singer Björk seven generations back, as well as Prime Minister Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir, Global Post reports. He also discovered that his ex-wife was his seventh cousin.

The venture resulted from a collaboration between a genetics research company and a software entrepreneur. If only the site could also rule out close-talkers, all the world’s dating problems would be solved.

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Apple sold more iOS devices in 2011 than total Macs in 28 years

A new breakdown of Apple’s blockbuster 2011 notes that the company sold more iPhones, iPads and iPod touches in the 12-month span than it has sold Mac computers in the company’s history.

The revelation was made this week by Horace Dediu at Asymco, who noted that Apple sold a total of 156 million iOS devices in 2011. That was enough to top the total number of Macs ever sold, which sits at 122 million.

As a whole, there have been 316 million cumulative iOS units sold to date. That means 2011 accounted for nearly half of all iOS devices sold by Apple since the platform launched in 2007.

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