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Author: luapo

Year Without a Summer

The Year Without a Summer (also known as the Poverty Year, Year There Was No Summer and Eighteen Hundred and Froze to Death was 1816, in which severe summer climate abnormalities destroyed crops in Northern Europe, the Northeastern United States and eastern Canada.

Average global temperatures decreased about 0.4–0.7 °C (0.7–1.3 °F), enough to cause significant agricultural problems around the globe.

Synthol Victims

Synthol – is an intramuscular lipid acid, which is a synthetic oil and is introduced into the muscle if you want to enlarge it. The substance penetrates into the spaces between muscle fibers and remains there. About 70 percent of the drug is maintained in muscles, while the other 30 – immediately break down into lipids, just like any other fats.

It enters the body through the digestive tract. The result of Synthol lasts about of 3-5 years.