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The Big Picture BP Oil Spill

Over one month after the initial explosion and sinking of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig, crude oil continues to flow into the Gulf of Mexico, and oil slicks have slowly reached as far as 12 miles into Louisiana’s marshes. According to Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, more than 65 miles of Louisiana’s shoreline has now been oiled. BP said it will be at least Wednesday before they will try using heavy mud and cement to plug the leak, a maneuver called a “top kill” that represents their best hope of stopping the oil after several failed attempts.

The Average Gamer Is “Old”

According to a new study, the average age of gamers is 32 while avid PC gamers and offline PC gamers are 42 on average. Take that all you whipper snappers…now get off my lawn!

The average age of gamers increased slightly over last year from 31 years of age in the 2009 study to 32 years in this year’s study. Avid PC Gamers and Offline PC Gamers, comprising 11 percent and 8 percent of the gaming population, respectively, are the oldest segments with an average age for both of 42 years.


Illusional Droste Effect Images

“Droste effect,” is named after a 1904 package of Droste brand cocoa. The Droste effect illustrates a smaller version of itself in a place where a similar photograph would realistically be expected to show. Only in hypothesis could this go on without end, but virtually it will go on only as long as the resolution of the image permits, which is relatively short, since each cycle of repetition is exponentially diminish the image’s size.

A perfect example of the Droste effect can be simply produced by placing two mirrors in front of each other. Another technique would be to shoot one’s own television with a video camera, while showing the output of the video camera on the same television.Let’s view now some of these awesome droste effect images.