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Category: Video

Save the Manuals!

We love driving, and we love the manual transmission as an integral part of the driving experience. We will not abandon that third pedal and the connection it provides with our machines. We are driving enthusiasts, and we need to save the manuals.

50 Nintendo Spoilers in 2 Minutes

And here is the list of the Games Spoiled: Super Mario Brothers, Super Mario Brothers 2, Super Mario Brothers 3, Rampage, Contra, Rygar, The Legend of Zelda, The Legend of Zelda 2, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Metroid, P.O.W., Final Fantasy, Bad Dudes, Adventures in the Magic Kingdom, Back to the Future, Mega Man, Mega Man 2, Mega Man 3, Mega Man 4, Mega Man 5, Mega Man 6.

Little Nemo: The Dream Master, Paperboy, Adventures of Lolo, Bubble Bobble, Castlevania, Double Dragon, Double Dragon 2, Battletoads, Battlestoads & Double Dragon, Metal Gear, River City Ransom, Ninja Gaiden, Ninja Gaiden 2, Ninja Gaiden 3, Shadowgate, Mike Tyson’s Punch Out, Ducktales, Bionic Commandos, Kid Icarus, Silver Surfer, A Boy and his Blob, Robocop, The Punisher, Kirby’s Adventure, Yo! Noid, Deja Vu, Wizards and Warriors, Wizards and Warriors 2, The Three Stooges.