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Candwich – The Canned Sandwich

Anything is better if it’s made with bacon, put in a can, or called “tactical“. Hence the Candwich, which is either a peanut butter & jelly sandwich or chicken sandwich. In a can.

The company has gained public attention due to a Securities and Exchange Commission investigation into a money manager’s allegedly fraudulent activities, some of which were invested in Mark One Foods, the company that owns Candwich.

In the meantime, Candwich is still on hold and, sadly, not yet available consumers.


Ten Technologies That Should Be Extinct (but aren’t)

I often ponder on why some of these outdated technologies are still on the scene at all. It is amazing that some are still alive and kicking.

Some technologies serve their purpose for a while, then either evolve into cheaper, faster, better forms or simply disappear. Yet others,such as fax machines, landline phones and instant cameras, just refuse to die, despite better digital alternatives.
